This Surah deals, by way if recapitulation, with the backsliding of the Jews and Christians from their pure religions, to which the coping stone was placed by Islam. It refers particularly to the Christians, and their solemn Sacrament of the Last Supper, to whose true meaning they are declared to have been false.
As a logical corollary to the corruption of the earlier religions of Allah, the practical precepts of Islam, about food, cleanliness, justice, and fidelity are recapitulated.
The fourth verse contains the memorable declaration: "This day have I perfected your religion for you": which was promulgated in 10 H. , during the Prophet's last Pilgrimage to Makkah. Chronologically it was the last verse to be revealed.
(v. 1-5) - Beginning with an appeal to fulfill, as sacred, all obligations, human and divine, it points to certain regulations about food, as conductive to a sober and social life, without superstition and without-bias or hatred.
(v. 6-11) - Cleanliness of body, and justice and uprightness of dealing are nearest to Piety.
(v. 12-26) - If the Jews and the Christians turned back from the Truth and violated their Convenants, they have had their warning.
(v. 27-43) - The murder of Abel by Cain is the type of the treatment which the just man suffers from the envious. There is punishment from Allah. The just man must not grieve.
(v. 44-86) - Muslims must do impartial justice, but must protect their own Brotherhood and their faith from insult and scorn: they must appreciate piety, humility, and other good points about Christians.
(v. 87-108) - They must enjoy with gratitude all that is good and lawful, but guard themselves against excess. Swearing, intoxication, gambling, violation of the Sanctuary, superstitions of all kinds, and false evidence are condemned.
(v. 109-120) - The miracles of Jesus, and how they were misused by those who bore his name.
This is the last Surah revealed to the prophet Muhammad ﷺ.
It was mainly revealed in Madinah.
Reciting this surah 11 times or few verses of it 20 times vice versa has no benefits. This is not found anywhere in Sunnah. So doing any such act (wazifa) would be considered as an innovation and every innovation leads to hellfire.